Disclaimer /Privacy Policy

The information provided on this website is issued by Tangerine & Co. GmbH, a party planning and party equipment hire service.

The data contained in our website are protected by applicable copyright and trademark law. Except when expressly permitted, it is prohibited reproducing, modifying, and distributing any of the contents offered by Tangerine & Co. services. Permission is conferred to copy of the materials for personal viewing only. Under this license it is not allowed to use this material for any commercial purpose, or for any public display. 

By accessing the website at https://tangerineandco.ch/, you are agreeing to be compelled by our Privacy Police and all applicable laws and regulations.

We reserve the right to make changes or modifications in any parts of our website without previous notice.

Collection of Personal Information by Us 

This website uses cookies. These cookies are text files request from our browser regarding the functionalities of the website, allowing the users performance and browsing experience to be improved, helping us to collect statistical data by users and used to developing strategies of marketing and make decisions.

When you visit our website, our servers will automatically record information that may include:  your computer’s IP address; browser type; webpage you were visiting before you came to our site; the pages within Tangerine & Co. you visit; the time spent on those pages, items and information searched for on our site, access times and dates, and other statistics. This information is collected for analysis and evaluation in order to help us improve our site, the services, and products we provide.

You can set up your browser to refuse the acceptance of our cookies. You can also manually delete our cookies from your browser. Notice in these cases, that you cannot use some functions of our website.

By using this website, you are consenting to the collection of your information about online activity in our website. When using our contact form for enquiries, the information provided, including contact details, will be stored by us for the purpose of processing the enquiry and in the event of follow-up enquiries. This information may also be used to send you advertisements and updates about our services in the future. We do not pass on this data without your consent.

Collection of Personal Information by Third-party Cookies

Please be aware that our website may contain links to third party websites. We suggest a review of its privacy policy and disclaim, before providing your personal information. Tangerine & Co. does not guarantee the liability of third party websites linked in our pages. 

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool provided by Google Inc. (“Google”). 

Google Analytics service also uses “Cookies”. Those are cookies that enable us to optimize our services for you and improve our website. The information generated, analyses the use of our website, giving us elements to improve our services.

Notice that the information collected about the use of this website will usually be transmitted to Google servers and will be saved there. Google can use this information in order to provide a better experience to user, “proving” what he believes is most relevant to the user. 

As a user of our websites, you can refuse the use of cookies by deactivating cookies on your computer or in your mobile device through the browser settings. In this case you will interrupt certain functions of this website. Furthermore, you can also prevent Google’s gathering and usage of the information generated by cookie in your activity on Tangerine & Co. website visiting the Google Advertising Opt-out page.

The IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics will not be merged with other Google data. IP addresses are processed in abbreviated form, meaning that they cannot be linked to a specific person. If the data collected is related to a person, this is immediately excluded and the personal data is deleted immediately.